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April's Books

  • Dr. Henry Cloud & Dr. Townsend: Boundaries in Marriage

    Dr. Henry Cloud & Dr. Townsend: Boundaries in Marriage
    An excellent book on strengthening your marriage, regardless of where it is at today, or your spouse's willingness to tackle issues. "Boundaries" gives practical advice on setting up boundaries to build a good marriage, with in-laws, children, co-workers and others. (****)

  • Mark Bowden: Black Hawk Down: A Story of Modern War

    Mark Bowden: Black Hawk Down: A Story of Modern War
    Reads better than Clancy! This and Gen. Harold Moore's book are by far my favorite accounts of a battle. Bowden did the deep research with the soldiers who fought the battle and travelled to Somali to give a most important account of true valor. The struggle of the Delta men and Army Rangers and 160th SOAR should be kept in mind when any administration goes about foreign policy in a half baked way. (*****)

  • Harper Lee: To Kill a Mockingbird

    Harper Lee: To Kill a Mockingbird
    While I tend to read far more fiction, Harper Lee's timeless classic of racial tension, good vs. evil and loving story of a father and his children make for a powerful read. (*****)

  • Carl von Clausewitz: On War

    Carl von Clausewitz: On War
    Probably the best translation of this Realist classic. Peter Paret and Michael Howard have put together the scholar's version of "On War". The Prussian military advice resonates still firmly today. (*****)

  • Tod E. Bolsinger: It Takes a Church to Raise a Christian: How the Community of God Transforms Lives

    Tod E. Bolsinger: It Takes a Church to Raise a Christian: How the Community of God Transforms Lives
    An extremely well research book for those interesting in promoting communal Christian living in their churches. The Exceptional Life is found in a Triune God made visable through the community of believers. (****)

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One-Line Bio

Concerned about the spread of liberty around the globe and winning the War on Terror


Bill Rice has been interested in international relations for the past 18 years, focusing at Occidental College (’95) in Politics relating to the IR Theory, the Concert of Europe, Cold War politics and the rise of the US to the world’s sole superpower status. His realist paradigm in a post 9/11 world changed to include an idealist pursuit of the US spreading democratic values throughout the world as the only means of achieving a lasting opportunity for peace. Rejecting any type of relativist viewpoint, Bill Rice believes in American Exceptionalism.

While winning the Global War on Terror is extremely important to the world’s future security and prosperity, he is interested in potential future conflicts after the US consolidates its gains in the Middle East. He is especially interested in rising potential great powers such as China and India and old American friends such as the United Kingdom, Japan and Australia.

When not blogging he develops and preserves affordable housing in California.

He and his wife are expecting their first child, Catherine in July and live happily in Southern California by the Pacific Ocean along with their two English Bulldogs Clementine and Sydney.

I am blessed!


politics, history, culture, religion, freedom, America