Ian Duncan Smith, the former head of the long-out-of-power Tory party in the UK, has written an amazingly with it analysis of the future of media in Britain, published in the liberal Guardian, of all places.
The Tories have been crushed by the Blair Labour juggernaut since its rise in 1997 and have become increasingly irrelevant. Mr. Smith, though, lays out the hold the BBC has on the news cycle and gives a very detailed account of how the right blogosphere differs from the sometimes shrill left blogosphere's largest blogs. He covers "Rathergate" and "Easongate". The Tories could use some fresh ideas that capture the imagination of the public, like PM Blair's ideas did almost a decade ago.
The right in the UK could benefit from a well-developed and diverse political debate online. The British people would benefit from a UK blogosphere that held the BBC accountable, as the blogosphere in America has done with our own mainstream media.
There are many UK political blogs (see here). Maybe one will become the next Instapundit of Europe.