Thought I would point readers to some topics of interest from around the world.
North America
- Justin Blackburn has an interesting and witty piece on ID theft and the importing and exporting of vehicles across the US-Canadian border and what the Green Party is doing (not doing) about it.
- Pastor Tod Bolsinger has a painful to read article about the practice of youth "cutting" themselves to relieve emotional pain. He links this post to his series on church division. I was not aware this was a problem among today's youth. It is a good post.
Global War on Terror
- Bill Roggio follows up on Linda Foley's crazy comments with a PowerPoint presentation terrorists use in Iraq that calls for the targeting slaying of journalists in a combat zone.
- John Schroeder comments on Hugh Hewitt's Friday radio program with a post on how the MSM is putting soldiers at risk.
- The Acorn has two very interesting posts, the first on how China and India differ with respect to the blogosphere and the second on the different world support Japan and India have for a UNSC seat.
- Justin Blackburn also has an excellent piece on revolts or "unrest" in rural China.
- Adventures of Chester has a must read post on some very strange connections to the Spanish government on their 3/11 train explosion.
- Posting a challenge for systems and network expert Daniel Abbot of tdaxp. This Economist article entitled "Musical Chairs: Musically, Britain is Europhile and France Europhobe" has a very interesting approach of following a Euro contest similar to American Idol to determine which countries' citizens are most in step with the heart of Europe based on voting patterns. DEL is curious of Dan's take on the study and if it matches at all with some of his modeling on Europe. I will update this post with Dan's comments.
- Why do Americans work 5 or 6 weeks more than their European counterparts? The Economist argues peer pressure. I can't say I agree, but find the article on the whole fascinating with a good deal of interesting facts.
- The Redhunter has a fascinating post on a British court that is holding the Saudi government liable for wrongful imprisonment and torture of three men.
It was a wonderful day in South Orange county today. My wife and I enjoyed brunch at our local pier watching the surfers ride some rather tall waves. I hope everyone else around the world enjoys their weekend, even if you are in Europe and work less to rest from. (just kidding). Enjoy!