Suggested Reading
Bruce Chang has an excellent and wide-ranging post on religion from 16th century Europe to the modern day Middle East and its relationship to nation state interactions. His post provides much to think about in the International Relations (IR) realm and gives some very interesting insight into where the future of Middle East religion/politics is heading.
Simon's World is following the Chief Executive of Hong Kong Donald Tsang's trip to Canada, America and Europe with this post. Simon refers to Mr. Tsang as The Don, and this story is not getting the press it deserves. How China interacts with and governs Hong Kong is more telling than any number of white papers on democracy that the Communist party releases (See FT article here or Taipei Times article here or editorial here).
I clicked on your connection to Bruce Chang's post. This led to a list of ten posts, all with title's that did not sound like your description. Which is the correct one?
Posted by: Henry T. Barton | October 26, 2005 at 09:26 AM
How do you last game with Real Madrid in Barcelona, ??King's Cup? >acquista levitra
Posted by: Stormrogs | January 29, 2012 at 08:13 PM