Dawn's Early Light attempts to point to well written and thought out pieces by other bloggers online. Curzon, from the Coming Anarchy, has a truly brilliant post titled "Pinned: America's Taiwan Policy". Due to the images he uses in structuring his argument, which is a dissenting opinion from his two co-bloggers, I highly recommend you click on the link and read his post.
Curzon takes to task tdaxp hero and global thinker Dr. Thomas P. M. Barnett for his East Asia views.
I am still mulling over his opinions, but I must say that I think my view of China is much closer to Curzon's than it is Dr. Barnett. I am curious what Dan over at tdaxp has to say. Dan?
I admire Dr. Barnett a lot. His brief changed the direction of my life into something a lot more enjoyable.
I'm reading through Blueprint for Action, though, and find a lot to be critical of. I largely agree with Curzon here.
I know I've been negelecting the blogs lately, but as soon as I finish I will try to begin working on a multi-part review of BFA. Dr. Barnett's ideas require serious consideration and, increasingly, considered rejection.
Posted by: Dan tdaxp | November 05, 2005 at 11:05 AM